Local Election Results 2022
Westmorland and Furness
Whole council up for election. Initially this was a shadow unitary council which took over functions from Cumbria County Council, Barrow-in-Furness Council, Eden Council and South Lakeland Council on 1 April 2023.
By-elections for Westmorland and Furness (may be incomplete): 4th May 2023 (Old Barrow & Hindpool)
— 2nd May 2024 (Grange & Cartmel)
— 17th October 2024 (Grange & Cartmel)
— 31st October 2024 (Kirkby Stephen & Tebay)
Map of the results —Export spreadsheet
Party |
Votes |
Percent |
Seats |
Liberal Democrat |
29960 |
40.6% |
36 |
Conservative |
20841 |
28.3% |
11 |
Labour |
10260 |
13.9% |
15 |
Independent |
6535 |
8.9% |
2 |
Green Party |
5839 |
7.9% |
1 |
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition |
335 |
0.5% |
0 |
Mary Robinson |
Ind |
984 |
37.3% |
Michael Hanley |
Lab |
824 |
31.3% |
Ian Lindley |
Lab |
572 |
Michael Beveridge |
C |
425 |
16.1% |
Dale Normington |
C |
403 |
Andy Baker |
LD |
402 |
15.3% |
Richard Sanderson |
LD |
147 |
Andy Connell |
LD |
986 |
48.2% |
Graham Simpkins |
LD |
631 |
Gareth Hayes |
Ind |
609 |
29.8% |
William Patterson |
Ind |
511 |
Colin Smith |
C |
451 |
22.0% |
Harry Berkeley |
C |
363 |
Steve Bavin |
LD |
747 |
53.1% |
Jim Bland |
C |
584 |
41.5% |
Simon Clayton |
Grn |
75 |
5.3% |
Vicky Hughes |
LD |
891 |
60.7% |
Tom Harvey |
C |
519 |
35.4% |
Simon Blunden |
Grn |
58 |
4.0% |
Suzanne Pender |
LD |
854 |
63.9% |
Michael Hoad |
C |
370 |
27.7% |
Paul Martin |
Lab |
60 |
4.5% |
Mark Poole |
Grn |
53 |
4.0% |
Ben Shirley |
C |
921 |
53.0% |
Daniel Edwards |
C |
783 |
Robert Elliot |
Lab |
556 |
32.0% |
Rachael Hogg |
LD |
262 |
15.1% |
Stephen Coleman |
LD |
143 |
Dave Taylor |
Ind |
585 |
36.2% |
Tony Callister |
Lab |
488 |
30.2% |
Steve Nott |
Lab |
483 |
Sam Ronson |
C |
469 |
29.0% |
Des English |
C |
432 |
Martin McLeavy |
Ind |
268 |
Barbara Miller |
LD |
74 |
4.6% |
Peter Baker |
LD |
64 |
Neil Hughes |
LD |
1031 |
65.7% |
Tom Lowther |
C |
539 |
34.3% |
Lorna Baker |
LD |
960 |
46.7% |
Neil McCall |
LD |
816 |
Paula Breen |
C |
630 |
30.6% |
David Whipp |
C |
585 |
Mike Tonkin |
Ind |
466 |
22.7% |
Jenny Boak |
LD |
2588 |
47.3% |
Pete Endsor |
LD |
2486 |
Sue Sanderson |
LD |
2040 |
Fiona Hanlon |
Ind |
1428 |
26.1% |
Tor McLaren |
C |
1050 |
19.2% |
James Townley |
C |
882 |
David Wilson |
C |
729 |
Mandy Barnett |
Grn |
301 |
5.5% |
Paul Woods |
Grn |
177 |
Luke Mossbarnett |
Grn |
137 |
Lilian el-Doufani |
105 |
1.9% |
Judith Derbyshire |
LD |
1150 |
70.8% |
Debbie Wicks |
C |
475 |
29.2% |
Les Hall |
C |
1151 |
40.5% |
Niyall Phillips |
C |
1069 |
Roy Worthington |
C |
993 |
David Cassidy |
Lab |
974 |
34.3% |
Mike Leach |
Lab |
913 |
Hayley Preston |
Lab |
891 |
Denise Edwards |
Ind |
558 |
19.6% |
Steven Pryer |
Ind |
468 |
Wendy McClure |
Ind |
416 |
David Opie |
LD |
160 |
5.6% |
Sheila Eccles |
LD |
123 |
Christine Herbert |
LD |
100 |
Colin Atkinson |
C |
676 |
37.5% |
Hilary Carrick |
C |
658 |
Elaine Martin |
Ind |
599 |
33.2% |
David Ryland |
Ind |
530 |
Roger Burgin |
LD |
484 |
26.8% |
David Evans |
LD |
229 |
Belinda Lloyd |
Grn |
44 |
2.4% |
Matt Brereton |
C |
581 |
41.4% |
Ian Wharton |
LD |
562 |
40.0% |
Stephen Carter |
Lab |
164 |
11.7% |
Peter Howlett |
Grn |
97 |
6.9% |
Eamonn Hennessy |
LD |
1224 |
61.4% |
Helen Ladhams |
LD |
1212 |
Nigel Byrom |
C |
430 |
21.6% |
David Williams |
C |
404 |
Claire Wickham |
Grn |
207 |
10.4% |
Janet Antrobus |
Grn |
198 |
Penny Henderson |
Lab |
134 |
6.7% |
Phil Dixon |
LD |
1111 |
57.6% |
Matt Severn |
LD |
942 |
Margaret Bond |
C |
279 |
14.5% |
Mike Nicholson |
C |
264 |
Rosie Naish |
Grn |
256 |
13.3% |
Ian Rodham |
Grn |
179 |
Oliver Gill |
Lab |
160 |
8.3% |
Trevor Batchelor |
122 |
6.3% |
Shirley Evans |
LD |
1192 |
60.6% |
Jonathan Cornthwaite |
LD |
1166 |
Lyndsay Slater |
C |
333 |
16.9% |
Raymond Bower |
C |
271 |
Liz Wood |
Grn |
199 |
10.1% |
Paul Braithwaite |
Lab |
182 |
9.3% |
Daniel Rayson |
Grn |
154 |
Paul Casson |
61 |
3.1% |
Jonathan Brook |
LD |
1547 |
63.8% |
Doug Rathbone |
LD |
1540 |
Luke Gudgeon |
C |
564 |
23.3% |
Shiela Worthington |
C |
421 |
Elsa Fuster |
Grn |
177 |
7.3% |
Lois Sparling |
Lab |
135 |
5.6% |
Phil Whiting |
Grn |
109 |
Giles Archibald |
LD |
1381 |
52.3% |
Peter Thornton |
LD |
1225 |
Laura Miller |
Grn |
749 |
28.4% |
Graham Vincent |
Grn |
576 |
Virginia Branney |
Lab |
243 |
9.2% |
Irene Asbury |
C |
221 |
8.4% |
Jacqueline Scott |
C |
215 |
Martin Powell-Davies |
47 |
1.8% |
Helen Chaffey |
LD |
1767 |
64.1% |
Rupert Audland |
LD |
1621 |
Margaret Handley |
C |
654 |
23.7% |
Peter Smillie |
C |
526 |
Jill Abel |
Grn |
337 |
12.2% |
Phil Dew |
C |
861 |
41.9% |
John Murray |
LD |
697 |
33.9% |
Adrian Waite |
LD |
557 |
Sandy Lancaster |
Ind |
496 |
24.1% |
Ray Briggs |
C |
266 |
Janet Battye |
LD |
1106 |
64.4% |
Kevin Holmes |
C |
539 |
31.4% |
Hilary Pickup |
Grn |
73 |
4.2% |
Ben Cooper |
C |
650 |
44.5% |
Janet Willis |
LD |
627 |
42.9% |
Eirik Hunt |
Lab |
128 |
8.8% |
Paul Rigg |
Grn |
56 |
3.8% |
Anne Burns |
Lab |
1183 |
65.8% |
Kevin Hamilton |
Lab |
1089 |
Margaret Thomson |
Lab |
1076 |
Anne Bispham |
C |
501 |
27.9% |
Piya Das |
C |
407 |
Brenda Lauderdale |
C |
406 |
Adam Campbell |
LD |
114 |
6.3% |
Gill Gardiner |
LD |
99 |
Stephen Pickthall |
LD |
83 |
Bill McEwan |
Lab |
1242 |
62.4% |
Derek Brook |
Lab |
1211 |
Beverly Morgan |
Lab |
1177 |
Elaine Burley |
C |
635 |
31.9% |
Anne English |
C |
575 |
Emma Wylie |
C |
527 |
Jayne Richardson |
LD |
114 |
5.7% |
Phil Walker |
LD |
84 |
Alasdair Wilkinson-Marsh |
LD |
68 |
Patricia Bell |
LD |
1277 |
48.9% |
Mark Rudhall |
LD |
820 |
Ali Ross |
Grn |
675 |
25.9% |
Helen Fearon |
C |
519 |
19.9% |
Harry Fearon |
C |
444 |
Wade Tidbury |
Grn |
266 |
Scott Jackson |
Ind |
138 |
5.3% |
Peter Devine |
Ind |
122 |
Virginia Taylor |
LD |
911 |
44.7% |
Mike Eyles |
LD |
899 |
Gillian Barnes |
C |
520 |
25.5% |
Matt Vickers |
C |
459 |
Lee Quinn |
Ind |
397 |
19.5% |
Margaret Clark |
Ind |
272 |
Richard O'Brien |
Grn |
212 |
10.4% |
Jane Murphy |
Lab |
1152 |
50.5% |
Andy Coles |
Lab |
1139 |
Trevor Biggins |
Lab |
1130 |
Derek Gawne |
C |
984 |
43.1% |
Lynda Shaw |
C |
947 |
Ronnie Haddow |
C |
871 |
Michael Barwise |
LD |
145 |
6.4% |
Jade Sullivan |
LD |
128 |
Heather Troughton |
LD |
121 |
Ian Mitchell |
LD |
1891 |
61.0% |
Hazel Hodgson |
LD |
1854 |
Kevin Lancaster |
C |
983 |
31.7% |
Pat Bell |
C |
898 |
Tony Gray |
Grn |
225 |
7.3% |
Judy Filmore |
Grn |
1445 |
33.3% |
Jackie Drake |
Lab |
1286 |
29.6% |
Helen Irving |
C |
1265 |
29.1% |
Michelle Scrogham |
Lab |
1247 |
Andrew Butcher |
C |
1218 |
Mark Wilson |
Lab |
1189 |
Amanda Rigg |
C |
1165 |
Bob Gerry |
Grn |
930 |
Rob O'Hara |
Grn |
864 |
Andrew Hudson |
LD |
345 |
7.9% |
Dave Rushton |
LD |
246 |
Charles Howarth |
LD |
209 |
Ali Jama |
LD |
949 |
60.3% |
Deborah Huck |
C |
415 |
26.4% |
Fran Richardson |
Grn |
210 |
13.3% |
Frank Cassidy |
Lab |
1349 |
56.5% |
Anita Husband |
Lab |
1179 |
Therese Assouad |
Lab |
1175 |
Paul Rose |
C |
681 |
28.5% |
Steve Sharpe |
C |
638 |
Terri-Ann Gibney |
C |
622 |
Steven Fletcher |
Ind |
275 |
11.5% |
Paul Trollope |
LD |
81 |
3.4% |
Chris Hogg |
LD |
77 |
Tina Perkins |
LD |
59 |
Will Clark |
LD |
2330 |
63.2% |
Andrew Jarvis |
LD |
2231 |
Dyan Jones |
LD |
2183 |
Cath Musetti |
C |
966 |
26.2% |
Jolyon Stephenson |
C |
774 |
Paula Cross |
C |
751 |
Kate Threadgold |
Grn |
390 |
10.6% |
Back to the 2022 list of councils.
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