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Local Election Results 2022

Perth and Kinross

Whole council up for election.

ScFam = Scottish Family Party

Other results for Perth and Kinross: 2003 2007 2012 2017
By-elections for Perth and Kinross (may be incomplete): 21st February 2008 (Highland) — 6th May 2010 (Strathallan) — 15th September 2011 (Highland) — 7th May 2015 (Perth City Centre) — 7th April 2016 (Almond & Earn) — 23rd November 2017 (Perth City S.) — 19th April 2018 (Highland) — 26th November 2020 (Perth City N.; Perth City S.) — 25th March 2021 (Almond & Earn) — 26th September 2024 (Perth City N.; Strathallan)

Map of the resultsFull STV preference informationExport spreadsheet

Consolidated results — Perth and Kinross 2022

Party Votes Percent Seats
Scottish National Party 22273 36.6% 16
Conservative 19643 32.3% 14
Liberal Democrat 7961 13.1% 4
Independent 4399 7.2% 4
Labour 3432 5.6% 2
Green Party 2748 4.5% 0
Scottish Family Party 148 0.2% 0
Alba Party 123 0.2% 0
UK Independence Party 50 0.1% 0

Almond and Earn (3)

Michelle Frampton SNP 1339 33.8%
David Illingworth C 1106 27.9%
Frank Smith C 806 20.4%
Tina Ng-A-Mann LD 347 8.8%
Paul Vallot Grn 312 7.9%
Lynda Davis UKIP 50 1.3%

Consolidated results:— C 1912 (48.3%; 2 seats); SNP 1339 (33.8%; 1 seat); LD 347 (8.8%); Grn 312 (7.9%); UKIP 50 (1.3%)

Transfers (Quota = 991)
Michelle Frampton 1339 991 991 991 991
David Illingworth 1106 1106 991 991 991
Frank Smith 806 817 916 933 1035
Tina Ng-A-Mann 347 397 404 424
Paul Vallot 312 503 505 521 683
Lynda Davis 50 63 64

Blairgowrie and Glens (3)

Caroline Shiers C 1202 25.8%
Tom McEwan SNP 1101 23.6%
Bob Brawn C 918 19.7%
Harry Macfadyen SNP 776 16.6%
Pauline Hunter Lab 232 5.0%
Louise Ramsay Grn 169 3.6%
Gordon Clark LD 163 3.5%
Bernard Noonan Ind 64 1.4%
Jack Murphy ScFam 37 0.8%

Consolidated results:— C 2120 (45.5%; 2 seats); SNP 1877 (40.3%; 1 seat); Lab 232 (5.0%); Grn 169 (3.6%); LD 163 (3.5%); Ind 64 (1.4%); ScFam 37 (0.8%)

Transfers (Quota = 1166)
Caroline Shiers 1202 1166 1166 1166 1166 1166 1166
Tom McEwan 1101 1102 1111 1119 1194 1166 1166
Bob Brawn 918 949 974 1008 1023 1024 1089
Harry Macfadyen 776 776 780 785 811 835 889
Pauline Hunter 232 232 241 300 341 342
Louise Ramsay 169 169 187 214
Gordon Clark 163 164 178
Bernard Noonan 64 64
Jack Murphy 37 37

Carse of Gowrie (3)

Alasdair Bailey Lab 1265 27.8%
Angus Forbes C 1017 22.4%
Ken Harvey SNP 961 21.1%
John Kellas SNP 474 10.4%
Mac Roberts C 388 8.5%
Roger Humphry Grn 233 5.1%
Lindsay Easton LD 150 3.3%
Don Marshall ScFam 59 1.3%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1435 (31.6%; 1 seat); C 1405 (30.9%; 1 seat); Lab 1265 (27.8%; 1 seat); Grn 233 (5.1%); LD 150 (3.3%); ScFam 59 (1.3%)

Transfers (Quota = 1137)
Alasdair Bailey 1265 1137 1137 1137 1137
Angus Forbes 1017 1041 1054 1099 1139
Ken Harvey 961 980 983 996 1100
John Kellas 474 479 483 493 544
Mac Roberts 388 396 405 429 446
Roger Humphry 233 251 260 306
Lindsay Easton 150 176 182
Don Marshall 59 60

Highland (3)

John Duff C 1110 24.9%
Xander McDade Ind 977 21.9%
Michael Williamson SNP 856 19.2%
Sally Murray SNP 807 18.1%
Rhona Metcalfe C 268 6.0%
Mary McDougall Grn 203 4.6%
Paula Hunter Lab 147 3.3%
Barry McMahon LD 87 2.0%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1663 (37.3%; 1 seat); C 1378 (30.9%; 1 seat); Ind 977 (21.9%; 1 seat); Grn 203 (4.6%); Lab 147 (3.3%); LD 87 (2.0%)

Transfers (Quota = 1114)
John Duff 1110 1120 1114 1114 1114 1114 1114
Xander McDade 977 1009 1010 1076 1148 1114 1114
Michael Williamson 856 857 857 865 908 914 930
Sally Murray 807 811 811 829 899 905 916
Rhona Metcalfe 268 275 278 283 291 297
Mary McDougall 203 212 212 247
Paula Hunter 147 166 166
Barry McMahon 87

Kinross-shire (4)

Richard Watters SNP 1658 25.8%
Willie Robertson LD 1346 20.9%
Neil Freshwater C 957 14.9%
George Stirling C 925 14.4%
Dave Cuthbert Ind 725 11.3%
Graham Cox Lab 438 6.8%
Pat Doran Grn 331 5.1%
Gerald O'Connell ScFam 52 0.8%

Consolidated results:— C 1882 (29.3%; 1 seat); SNP 1658 (25.8%; 1 seat); LD 1346 (20.9%; 1 seat); Ind 725 (11.3%; 1 seat); Lab 438 (6.8%); Grn 331 (5.1%); ScFam 52 (0.8%)

Transfers (Quota = 1287)
Richard Watters 1658 1287 1287 1287 1287 1287
Willie Robertson 1346 1346 1287 1287 1287 1287
Neil Freshwater 957 960 964 972 1011 1029
George Stirling 925 932 940 948 972 986
Dave Cuthbert 725 778 799 816 964 1251
Graham Cox 438 487 496 504
Pat Doran 331 517 525 532 658
Gerald O'Connell 52 58 58

Perth City Centre (4)

Eric Drysdale SNP 1445 27.5%
Peter Barrett LD 1038 19.7%
Chris Ahern C 1005 19.1%
Andrew Parrott SNP 655 12.5%
Scott Forsyth Lab 435 8.3%
Nick Tulloch C 299 5.7%
Susannah Rae Grn 268 5.1%
Ian Thomson Ind 64 1.2%
Sandy Miller Alba 48 0.9%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2100 (39.9%; 2 seats); C 1304 (24.8%; 1 seat); LD 1038 (19.7%; 1 seat); Lab 435 (8.3%); Grn 268 (5.1%); Ind 64 (1.2%); Alba 48 (0.9%)

Transfers (Quota = 1052)
Eric Drysdale 1445 1052 1052 1052 1052 1052
Peter Barrett 1038 1051 1056 1052 1052 1052
Chris Ahern 1005 1008 1009 1010 1026 1037
Andrew Parrott 655 979 1006 1007 1013 1174
Scott Forsyth 435 449 453 454 472 543
Nick Tulloch 299 299 299 299 305 312
Susannah Rae 268 282 284 285 294
Ian Thomson 64 66 74 74
Sandy Miller 48 53

Perth City North (3) [1 Lab gain from C]

Ian Massie SNP 1129 32.7%
John Rebbeck SNP 779 22.5%
Aziz Rehman C 677 19.6%
Brian Leishman Lab 530 15.3%
James Graham LD 147 4.3%
Ronnie McNeil Grn 120 3.5%
Alan Black Alba 75 2.2%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1908 (55.2%; 2 seats); C 677 (19.6%); Lab 530 (15.3%; 1 seat); LD 147 (4.3%); Grn 120 (3.5%); Alba 75 (2.2%)

Transfers (Quota = 865)
Ian Massie 1129 865 865 865 865 865
John Rebbeck 779 997 865 865 865 865
Aziz Rehman 677 678 680 685 715 733
Brian Leishman 530 539 560 570 639 735
James Graham 147 148 156 170
Ronnie McNeil 120 131 170 198 228
Alan Black 75 79 94

Perth City South (4)

Liz Barrett LD 2315 33.9%
Iain Macpherson SNP 1377 20.2%
Andy Chan C 1151 16.8%
Sheila McCole SNP 922 13.5%
Calum Milne C 404 5.9%
Kirsten Roper Lab 385 5.6%
Elspeth Maclachlan Grn 279 4.1%

Consolidated results:— LD 2315 (33.9%; 1 seat); SNP 2299 (33.6%; 2 seats); C 1555 (22.8%; 1 seat); Lab 385 (5.6%); Grn 279 (4.1%)

Transfers (Quota = 1367)
Liz Barrett 2315 1367 1367 1367 1367
Iain Macpherson 1377 1377 1377 1367 1367
Andy Chan 1151 1419 1367 1367 1367
Sheila McCole 922 1044 1046 1055 1243
Calum Milne 404 483 524 524 542
Kirsten Roper 385 547 550 550 652
Elspeth Maclachlan 279 411 412 412

Strathallan (3)

Keith Allan C 1420 29.7%
Steven Carr SNP 1048 21.9%
Crawford Reid C 812 17.0%
Catherine Scott SNP 625 13.1%
Neil Gaunt LD 547 11.4%
Andrew Lear Grn 333 7.0%

Consolidated results:— C 2232 (46.6%; 2 seats); SNP 1673 (35.0%; 1 seat); LD 547 (11.4%); Grn 333 (7.0%)

Transfers (Quota = 1197)
Keith Allan 1420 1197 1197 1197
Steven Carr 1048 1053 1121 1205
Crawford Reid 812 1002 1017 1205
Catherine Scott 625 626 720 821
Neil Gaunt 547 562 686
Andrew Lear 333 335

Strathearn (3)

Noah Khogali C 1337 29.9%
Rhona Brock Ind 1224 27.4%
Stewart Donaldson SNP 1082 24.2%
David West SNP 391 8.8%
Julia Brown LD 261 5.8%
Roger Cartwright Ind 171 3.8%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1473 (33.0%; 1 seat); Ind 1395 (31.2%; 1 seat); C 1337 (29.9%; 1 seat); LD 261 (5.8%)

Transfers (Quota = 1117)
Stage I II
Noah Khogali 1337 1117
Rhona Brock 1224 1224
Stewart Donaldson 1082 1086
David West 391 393
Julia Brown 261 327
Roger Cartwright 171 237

Strathmore (4) [1 SNP and 1 Ind gain from 1 C and 1 LD]

Grant Stewart SNP 1780 26.3%
Colin Stewart Ind 1174 17.4%
Hugh Anderson C 1032 15.3%
Dennis Melloy C 1009 14.9%
Jack Welch SNP 671 9.9%
Violet Iwanio LD 598 8.8%
Jill Belch Grn 500 7.4%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2451 (36.2%; 2 seats); C 2041 (30.2%; 1 seat); Ind 1174 (17.4%; 1 seat); LD 598 (8.8%); Grn 500 (7.4%)

Transfers (Quota = 1353)
Grant Stewart 1780 1353 1353 1353 1353
Colin Stewart 1174 1182 1269 1585 1353
Hugh Anderson 1032 1032 1052 1142 1183
Dennis Melloy 1009 1011 1027 1107 1153
Jack Welch 671 1057 1234 1310 1352
Violet Iwanio 598 600 756
Jill Belch 500 514

Strathtay (3) [1 LD gain from C]

Grant Laing SNP 1328 25.7%
Melanie Kinney SNP 1069 20.7%
Ian James C 972 18.8%
Claire McLaren LD 962 18.6%
Anne Jarvis C 828 16.0%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2397 (46.5%; 1 seat); C 1800 (34.9%; 1 seat); LD 962 (18.6%; 1 seat)

Transfers (Quota = 1290)
Grant Laing 1328 1290 1290 1290
Melanie Kinney 1069 1101 1107 1114
Ian James 972 972 1698 1290
Claire McLaren 962 964 1020 1231
Anne Jarvis 828 828

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