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Local Election Results 2017

South Lanarkshire

Whole council up for election.

SUP = Scottish Unionist Party

Other results for South Lanarkshire: 2003 2007 2012 2022
By-elections for South Lanarkshire (may be incomplete): 26th August 2004 (Bothwell S.) — 30th March 2006 (Avondale S.) — 11th May 2006 (Biggar/​Symington & Black Mount) — 6th March 2008 (Cambuslang E.) — 28th October 2010 (East Kilbride W.) — 8th December 2011 (Hamilton W. & Earnock) — 14th February 2013 (Rutherglen S.) — 24th October 2013 (Hamilton S.) — 5th June 2014 (Clydesdale S.) — 5th August 2015 (Hamilton S.) — 10th December 2015 (Blantyre) — 21st January 2016 (Hamilton N. & E.) — 23rd November 2017 (Rutherglen C. & N.) — 29th August 2019 (East Kilbride C.N.) — 6th July 2023 (East Kilbride W.)

Map of the resultsFull STV preference informationExport spreadsheet

Consolidated results — South Lanarkshire 2017

Party Votes Percent Seats
Scottish National Party 40786 35.7% 27
Labour 33154 29.0% 22
Conservative 27369 23.9% 14
Liberal Democrat 5873 5.1% 1
Green Party 3372 2.9% 0
Independent 2844 2.5% 0
UK Independence Party 457 0.4% 0
Solidarity 308 0.3% 0
Scottish Unionist Party 129 0.1% 0
Scottish Socialist Party 48 0.0% 0

Avondale and Stonehouse (3)

Graeme Campbell C 2062 31.5%
Margaret Cooper Lab 1540 23.5%
Isobel Dorman SNP 1121 17.1%
Mairi Tulbure SNP 877 13.4%
Alister Hendry Ind 580 8.9%
Erica Young Grn 193 2.9%
Daniel O'Malley LD 122 1.9%
Laura Murray UKIP 51 0.8%

Consolidated results:— C 2062 (31.5%; 1 seat); SNP 1998 (30.5%; 1 seat); Lab 1540 (23.5%; 1 seat); Ind 580 (8.9%); Grn 193 (2.9%); LD 122 (1.9%); UKIP 51 (0.8%)

Transfers (Quota = 1637)
Graeme Campbell 2062 1637 1637 1637 1637
Margaret Cooper 1540 1656 1637 1637 1637
Isobel Dorman 1121 1131 1134 1186 1309
Mairi Tulbure 877 882 883 967 1111
Alister Hendry 580 665 669 800
Erica Young 193 202 203
Daniel O'Malley 122 170 173
Laura Murray 51 82 83

Blantyre (3)

Mo Razzaq Lab 1663 31.0%
Maureen Chalmers SNP 1354 25.3%
Michael McGlynn SNP 797 14.9%
Bert Thomson Lab 731 13.6%
Alan Fraser C 593 11.1%
Stephen Reid LD 100 1.9%
Ashley Hubbard Sol 76 1.4%
Gerry McMahon SSP 48 0.9%

Consolidated results:— Lab 2394 (44.6%; 2 seats); SNP 2151 (40.1%; 1 seat); C 593 (11.1%); LD 100 (1.9%); Sol 76 (1.4%); SSP 48 (0.9%)

Transfers (Quota = 1341)
Mo Razzaq 1663 1341 1341 1341 1341
Maureen Chalmers 1354 1354 1341 1341 1341
Michael McGlynn 797 815 826 879 901
Bert Thomson 731 979 980 1051 1278
Alan Fraser 593 600 601 634
Stephen Reid 100 108 108
Ashley Hubbard 76 80 80
Gerry McMahon 48 51 51

Bothwell and Uddingston (3)

Kenny McCreary C 1851 35.3%
Maureen Devlin Lab 1362 26.0%
James McGuigan SNP 1132 21.6%
Colin Robb LD 450 8.6%
Phil Sykes SNP 347 6.6%
James Ferguson Grn 106 2.0%

Consolidated results:— C 1851 (35.3%; 1 seat); SNP 1479 (28.2%; 1 seat); Lab 1362 (26.0%; 1 seat); LD 450 (8.6%); Grn 106 (2.0%)

Transfers (Quota = 1313)
Kenny McCreary 1851 1313 1313 1313
Maureen Devlin 1362 1362 1313 1313
James McGuigan 1132 1150 1158 1218
Colin Robb 450 700 717 756
Phil Sykes 347 352 354 369
James Ferguson 106 134 140

Cambuslang East (3)

Walter Brogan Lab 1553 32.8%
Katy Loudon SNP 1123 23.8%
Alistair Fulton SNP 857 18.1%
Gavin Douglas C 660 14.0%
Laura Martin Grn 147 3.1%
Stuart Gallacher Lab 134 2.8%
James Moore SUP 129 2.7%
Ellen Bryson LD 125 2.6%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1980 (41.9%; 2 seats); Lab 1687 (35.7%; 1 seat); C 660 (14.0%); Grn 147 (3.1%); SUP 129 (2.7%); LD 125 (2.6%)

Transfers (Quota = 1183)
Walter Brogan 1553 1185 1185 1185 1185 1185 1185
Katy Loudon 1123 1139 1145 1153 1224 1185 1185
Alistair Fulton 857 875 878 895 923 958 1018
Gavin Douglas 668 689 761 792 810 810 901
Laura Martin 147 154 162 199
Stuart Gallacher 134 378 393 427 451 452
James Moore 129 136
Ellen Bryson 125 141 150

Cambuslang West (3)

Margaret Walker Lab 1336 24.2%
Ann le Blond C 1167 21.1%
John Bradley SNP 1099 19.9%
Clare McColl SNP 962 17.4%
Norman Rae LD 648 11.7%
David McClemont Grn 161 2.9%
Don Ferguson Ind 106 1.9%
Kieran Kiely UKIP 50 0.9%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2061 (37.3%; 1 seat); Lab 1336 (24.2%; 1 seat); C 1167 (21.1%; 1 seat); LD 648 (11.7%); Grn 161 (2.9%); Ind 106 (1.9%); UKIP 50 (0.9%)

Transfers (Quota = 1383)
Margaret Walker 1336 1346 1369 1397 1383 1383 1383
Ann le Blond 1167 1178 1201 1210 1212 1499 1383
John Bradley 1099 1104 1110 1149 1150 1214 1219
Clare McColl 962 965 976 1033 1034 1120 1127
Norman Rae 648 651 672 696 699
David McClemont 161 165 176
Don Ferguson 106 112
Kieran Kiely 50

Clydesdale East (3)

Alex Allison C 1927 35.5%
Ian McAllan SNP 1393 25.6%
George Hannah Lab 592 10.9%
Eric Holford C 526 9.7%
Bev Gauld Ind 469 8.6%
Janet Moxley Grn 268 4.9%
Mark Gordon LD 144 2.7%
Andrew McCallum Ind 112 2.1%

Consolidated results:— C 2453 (45.2%; 2 seats); SNP 1393 (25.6%; 1 seat); Lab 592 (10.9%); Ind 581 (10.7%); Grn 268 (4.9%); LD 144 (2.7%)

Transfers (Quota = 1358)
Alex Allison 1927 1358 1358 1358 1358 1358
Ian McAllan 1393 1393 1358 1358 1358 1358
George Hannah 592 608 612 633 801 983
Eric Holford 526 958 959 967 1021 1136
Bev Gauld 469 507 511 539 617
Janet Moxley 268 277 292 324
Mark Gordon 144 160 162 170
Andrew McCallum 112 121 123

Clydesdale North (3) (Quota = 1529)

Richard Eliott-Lockhart C 1725 28.2%
Julia Marrs SNP 1643 26.9%
Catherine McClymont Lab 1638 26.8%
Ed Archer Ind 678 11.1%
Ronald Logan Ind 221 3.6%
Ryan Doherty Grn 119 1.9%
Richard Mills LD 91 1.5%

Consolidated results:— C 1725 (28.2%; 1 seat); SNP 1643 (26.9%; 1 seat); Lab 1638 (26.8%; 1 seat); Ind 899 (14.7%); Grn 119 (1.9%); LD 91 (1.5%)

Clydesdale South (3)

Colin McGavigan C 1198 22.0%
George Greenshields Lab 1031 18.9%
Mark Horsham SNP 874 16.0%
Gordon Muir Lab 866 15.9%
Sandra Mills SNP 757 13.9%
Danny Meikle Ind 425 7.8%
Craig Dalzell Grn 139 2.5%
Kaitey Blair LD 97 1.8%
Janice Mackay UKIP 65 1.2%

Consolidated results:— Lab 1897 (34.8%; 1 seat); SNP 1631 (29.9%; 1 seat); C 1198 (22.0%; 1 seat); Ind 425 (7.8%); Grn 139 (2.5%); LD 97 (1.8%); UKIP 65 (1.2%)

Transfers (Quota = 1364)
Colin McGavigan 1198 1260 1314 1324 1332
George Greenshields 1031 1076 1206 1229 1280
Mark Horsham 874 915 948 1652 1364
Gordon Muir 866 898 983 1022 1053
Sandra Mills 757 801 835
Danny Meikle 425 443
Craig Dalzell 139
Kaitey Blair 97
Janice Mackay 65

Clydesdale West (4)

Poppy Corbett C 2264 31.2%
David Shearer SNP 1611 22.2%
Eileen Logan Lab 1566 21.6%
Lynsey Hamilton Lab 839 11.6%
Chris Travis SNP 610 8.4%
Peter Meehan LD 148 2.0%
Mandy Meikle Grn 118 1.6%
Pat Lee Sol 90 1.2%

Consolidated results:— Lab 2405 (33.2%; 2 seats); C 2264 (31.2%; 1 seat); SNP 2221 (30.7%; 1 seat); LD 148 (2.0%); Grn 118 (1.6%); Sol 90 (1.2%)

Transfers (Quota = 1450)
Poppy Corbett 2264 1450 1450 1450 1450 1450
David Shearer 1611 1611 1450 1450 1450 1450
Eileen Logan 1566 1566 1566 1450 1450 1450
Lynsey Hamilton 839 1049 1055 1133 1192 1322
Chris Travis 610 626 763 770 831 867
Peter Meehan 148 314 316 323 372
Mandy Meikle 118 147 152 154
Pat Lee 90 107 110 111

East Kilbride Central North (3)

Hugh Macdonald SNP 1374 22.2%
Sheena Wardhaugh SNP 1243 20.1%
Darren Clyde C 1163 18.8%
Joe Fagan Lab 1163 18.8%
Alice Mitchell Lab 795 12.8%
James Thornbury Grn 239 3.9%
John Rintoul LD 153 2.5%
Stuart McLean Sol 69 1.1%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2617 (42.2%; 2 seats); Lab 1958 (31.6%; 1 seat); C 1163 (18.8%); Grn 239 (3.9%); LD 153 (2.5%); Sol 69 (1.1%)

Transfers (Quota = 1550)
Hugh Macdonald 1374 1398 1452 1488 1519
Sheena Wardhaugh 1243 1261 1351 1390 1419
Darren Clyde 1163 1188 1209 1258 1319
Joe Fagan 1163 1198 1229 1873 1550
Alice Mitchell 795 827 854
James Thornbury 239 294
John Rintoul 153
Stuart McLean 69

East Kilbride Central South (3)

John Anderson SNP 1705 31.3%
Gerry Convery Lab 1425 26.2%
Willie Chalmers C 825 15.2%
Collette Stevenson SNP 790 14.5%
Susan Kerr Lab 376 6.9%
Iain Hughes Grn 220 4.0%
Mark Watson LD 98 1.8%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2495 (45.9%; 2 seats); Lab 1801 (33.1%; 1 seat); C 825 (15.2%); Grn 220 (4.0%); LD 98 (1.8%)

Transfers (Quota = 1360)
John Anderson 1705 1360 1360 1360 1360
Gerry Convery 1425 1425 1360 1360 1360
Willie Chalmers 825 832 835 888 988
Collette Stevenson 790 1067 1069 1179 1254
Susan Kerr 376 391 441 514
Iain Hughes 220 241 243
Mark Watson 98 101 101

East Kilbride East (3)

Gladys Miller SNP 1374 27.1%
Graham Scott Lab 1314 25.9%
Isabel Perratt C 911 18.0%
Jim Wardhaugh SNP 773 15.3%
Kirsten Robb Grn 366 7.2%
John Cairney Ind 166 3.3%
Lorna Gall LD 109 2.2%
Brian Doolan UKIP 55 1.1%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2147 (42.4%; 2 seats); Lab 1314 (25.9%; 1 seat); C 911 (18.0%); Grn 366 (7.2%); Ind 166 (3.3%); LD 109 (2.2%); UKIP 55 (1.1%)

Transfers (Quota = 1268)
Gladys Miller 1374 1268 1268 1268 1268
Graham Scott 1314 1314 1268 1268 1268
Isabel Perratt 911 912 920 1030 1078
Jim Wardhaugh 773 856 862 901 1101
Kirsten Robb 366 377 384 463
John Cairney 166 166 171
Lorna Gall 109 110 116
Brian Doolan 55 55 56

East Kilbride South (3)

Archie Buchanan SNP 2119 40.5%
Fiona Dryburgh Lab 1030 19.7%
Alexandra Herdman C 773 14.8%
Geri Gray SNP 572 10.9%
Paul McGarry LD 506 9.7%
Ruth Thomas Grn 104 2.0%
John Park Sol 73 1.4%
Conner Campbell UKIP 50 1.0%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2691 (51.5%; 2 seats); Lab 1030 (19.7%; 1 seat); C 773 (14.8%); LD 506 (9.7%); Grn 104 (2.0%); Sol 73 (1.4%); UKIP 50 (1.0%)

Transfers (Quota = 1307)
Archie Buchanan 2119 1307 1307 1307 1307 1307
Fiona Dryburgh 1030 1103 1108 1122 1144 1303
Alexandra Herdman 773 779 801 806 812 949
Geri Gray 572 1196 1205 1233 1293 1380
Paul McGarry 506 526 531 540 552
Ruth Thomas 104 126 128 144
John Park 73 81 86
Conner Campbell 50 58

East Kilbride West (3)

Ian Harrow C 2363 37.3%
Monique McAdams Lab 1315 20.7%
David Watson SNP 1298 20.5%
Ali Salamati SNP 900 14.2%
Ewan McRobert LD 223 3.5%
Billy McLean Grn 194 3.1%
David Mackay UKIP 49 0.8%

Consolidated results:— C 2363 (37.3%; 1 seat); SNP 2198 (34.7%; 1 seat); Lab 1315 (20.7%; 1 seat); LD 223 (3.5%); Grn 194 (3.1%); UKIP 49 (0.8%)

Transfers (Quota = 1586)
Ian Harrow 2363 1586 1586 1586 1586 1586
Monique McAdams 1315 1529 1571 1611 1586 1586
David Watson 1298 1319 1322 1370 1373 1427
Ali Salamati 900 914 917 986 988 1065
Ewan McRobert 223 374 396 446 457
Billy McLean 194 216 229
David Mackay 49 139

Hamilton North and East (3)

Martin Hose C 1268 26.5%
Stephanie Callaghan SNP 1201 25.1%
Davie McLachlan Lab 1128 23.5%
Jason Douglas SNP 521 10.9%
Nina Reeves Lab 296 6.2%
Steven Hannigan Grn 152 3.2%
David Bennie LD 137 2.9%
Balarabe Baba Ind 87 1.8%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1722 (35.9%; 1 seat); Lab 1424 (29.7%; 1 seat); C 1268 (26.5%; 1 seat); Grn 152 (3.2%); LD 137 (2.9%); Ind 87 (1.8%)

Transfers (Quota = 1198)
Martin Hose 1268 1198 1198 1198 1198
Stephanie Callaghan 1201 1201 1198 1198 1198
Davie McLachlan 1128 1144 1144 1158 1180
Jason Douglas 521 522 525 541 603
Nina Reeves 296 300 300 304 319
Steven Hannigan 152 154 154 164
David Bennie 137 151 151 177 206
Balarabe Baba 87 93 93

Hamilton South (4)

John Ross SNP 2167 30.6%
Joe Lowe Lab 1818 25.7%
Lynne Nailon C 1544 21.8%
Brian McCaig Lab 643 9.1%
Josh Wilson SNP 475 6.7%
John Kane Grn 216 3.1%
Joanne Ferguson LD 210 3.0%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2642 (37.4%; 2 seats); Lab 2461 (34.8%; 1 seat); C 1544 (21.8%; 1 seat); Grn 216 (3.1%); LD 210 (3.0%)

Transfers (Quota = 1415)
John Ross 2167 1415 1415 1415 1415 1415
Joe Lowe 1818 1818 1415 1415 1415 1415
Lynne Nailon 1544 1544 1544 1415 1415 1415
Brian McCaig 643 669 990 1019 1054 1176
Josh Wilson 475 1104 1112 1114 1209 1244
John Kane 216 248 257 265
Joanne Ferguson 210 227 243 282 345

Hamilton West and Earnock (4)

Mary Donnelly SNP 1377 25.7%
Mark McGeever C 1215 22.7%
Allan Falconer Lab 1092 20.4%
Graeme Horne SNP 752 14.1%
Jean McKeown Lab 671 12.5%
Mark Ruston LD 134 2.5%
Christine Wright Grn 111 2.1%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2129 (39.8%; 2 seats); Lab 1763 (32.9%; 1 seat); C 1215 (22.7%; 1 seat); LD 134 (2.5%); Grn 111 (2.1%)

Transfers (Quota = 1071)
Mary Donnelly 1377 1071 1071 1071 1071
Mark McGeever 1215 1215 1071 1071 1071
Allan Falconer 1092 1092 1092 1071 1071
Graeme Horne 752 1019 1024 1026 1069
Jean McKeown 671 680 720 736 756
Mark Ruston 134 137 175 176 208
Christine Wright 111 119 126 126

Larkhall (4)

Richard Nelson C 1645 26.3%
Andy Carmichael Lab 1106 17.7%
Peter Craig SNP 1051 16.8%
Jackie Burns Lab 987 15.8%
Donald Macleod SNP 704 11.3%
Lesley McDonald Lab 410 6.6%
Bobby Bulloch Grn 161 2.6%
Lindsay Watt LD 102 1.6%
Donald Mackay UKIP 80 1.3%

Consolidated results:— Lab 2503 (40.1%; 2 seats); SNP 1755 (28.1%; 1 seat); C 1645 (26.3%; 1 seat); Grn 161 (2.6%); LD 102 (1.6%); UKIP 80 (1.3%)

Transfers (Quota = 1250)
Richard Nelson 1645 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250
Andy Carmichael 1106 1149 1161 1179 1202 1482
Peter Craig 1051 1056 1060 1067 1120 1153
Jackie Burns 987 1027 1040 1054 1083 1175
Donald Macleod 704 709 714 720 761 789
Lesley McDonald 410 447 457 488 512
Bobby Bulloch 161 177 192 232
Lindsay Watt 102 160 180
Donald Mackay 80 143

Rutherglen Central and North (3)

Janine Calikes SNP 1492 29.0%
Gerard Killen Lab 1313 25.5%
Jared Wark C 835 16.2%
Gordon Clark SNP 538 10.5%
Liz Keenan LD 478 9.3%
Martin Lennon Lab 279 5.4%
Raymond Burke Grn 206 4.0%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2030 (39.5%; 1 seat); Lab 1592 (31.0%; 1 seat); C 835 (16.2%; 1 seat); LD 478 (9.3%); Grn 206 (4.0%)

Transfers (Quota = 1286)
Janine Calikes 1492 1286 1286 1286 1286 1286
Gerard Killen 1313 1313 1286 1286 1286 1286
Jared Wark 835 835 836 846 876 1083
Gordon Clark 538 719 720 827 880 968
Liz Keenan 478 482 483 524 603
Martin Lennon 279 281 303 330
Raymond Burke 206 216 217

Rutherglen South (3)

Carol Nugent SNP 1803 31.1%
Robert Brown LD 1798 31.0%
Margaret Cowie Lab 1142 19.7%
Taylor Muir C 854 14.7%
Brian Finlay Grn 152 2.6%
Jack Sinclair UKIP 57 1.0%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1803 (31.1%; 1 seat); LD 1798 (31.0%; 1 seat); Lab 1142 (19.7%; 1 seat); C 854 (14.7%); Grn 152 (2.6%); UKIP 57 (1.0%)

Transfers (Quota = 1452)
Carol Nugent 1803 1452 1452 1452
Robert Brown 1798 1798 1452 1452
Margaret Cowie 1142 1220 1333 1342
Taylor Muir 854 860 950 976
Brian Finlay 152 324 364 382
Jack Sinclair 57 64 71

Back to the 2017 list of councils.

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