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Local Election Results 2017


Whole council up for election on new ward boundaries.

Other results for Aberdeen: 2003 2007 2012 2022
By-elections for Aberdeen (may be incomplete): 1st April 2004 (Queens Cross) — 16th August 2007 (Midstocket/​Rosemount) — 19th May 2011 (Dyce/​Bucksburn/​Danestone) — 23rd June 2011 (Airyhall/​Broomhill/​Garthdee) — 30th July 2015 (Hilton/​Woodside/​Stockethill; Kincorth/​Nigg/​Cove) — 1st October 2015 (George St/​Harbour; Midstocket/​Rosemount) — 3rd October 2019 (Bridge of Don) — 21st November 2019 (Torry/​Ferryhill) — 5th November 2020 (Kincorth/​Nigg/​Cove) — 23rd February 2023 (Dyce/​Bucksburn/​Danestone)

Map of the resultsFull STV preference informationExport spreadsheet

Consolidated results — Aberdeen 2017

Party Votes Percent Seats
Scottish National Party 22900 32.4% 19
Conservative 17427 24.7% 11
Labour 12496 17.7% 9
Liberal Democrat 10726 15.2% 4
Independent 5195 7.4% 2
Green Party 1538 2.2% 0
UK Independence Party 202 0.3% 0
National Front 39 0.1% 0
Libertarian Party 31 0.0% 0
Solidarity 28 0.0% 0

Airyhall/Broomhill/Garthdee (3)

Ian Yuill LD 2458 40.2%
Douglas Lumsden C 1533 25.1%
Gordon Townson SNP 1417 23.2%
Angela Taylor Lab 708 11.6%

Consolidated results:— LD 2458 (40.2%; 1 seat); C 1533 (25.1%; 1 seat); SNP 1417 (23.2%; 1 seat); Lab 708 (11.6%)

Transfers (Quota = 1530)
Stage I II
Ian Yuill 2458 1530
Douglas Lumsden 1533 1533
Gordon Townson 1417 1596
Angela Taylor 708 1076

Bridge of Don (4)

Brett Hunt C 1868 25.8%
Alison Alphonse SNP 1610 22.2%
John Reynolds Ind 1045 14.4%
Sandy Stuart SNP 862 11.9%
Willie Young Lab 805 11.1%
Karen Farquhar LD 669 9.2%
George Saunders Ind 279 3.9%
Simon Mclean Ind 70 1.0%
James Irving-Lewis Sol 28 0.4%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2472 (34.2%; 2 seats); C 1868 (25.8%; 1 seat); Ind 1394 (19.3%; 1 seat); Lab 805 (11.1%); LD 669 (9.2%); Sol 28 (0.4%)

Transfers (Quota = 1448)
Brett Hunt 1868 1448 1448 1448 1448 1448
Alison Alphonse 1610 1610 1448 1448 1448 1448
John Reynolds 1045 1132 1137 1327 1598 1448
Sandy Stuart 862 869 996 1056 1130 1157
Willie Young 805 849 854 871 1026 1047
Karen Farquhar 669 782 791 850
George Saunders 279 305 308
Simon Mclean 70 83 84
James Irving-Lewis 28 32 35

Dyce/Bucksburn/Danestone (4)

Avril Mackenzie C 2012 30.6%
Neil Macgregor SNP 1670 25.4%
Gill Samarai SNP 785 11.9%
Barney Crockett Lab 744 11.3%
Coral Duthie Ind 509 7.7%
Graeme Lawrence Lab 458 7.0%
Dorothy Pearce LD 403 6.1%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2455 (37.3%; 2 seats); C 2012 (30.6%; 1 seat); Lab 1202 (18.3%; 1 seat); Ind 509 (7.7%); LD 403 (6.1%)

Transfers (Quota = 1317)
Avril Mackenzie 2012 1322 1322 1322 1322
Neil Macgregor 1670 1670 1322 1322 1322
Gill Samarai 785 798 1087 1115 1176
Barney Crockett 744 806 813 1141 1273
Coral Duthie 509 658 669 708 942
Graeme Lawrence 458 504 514
Dorothy Pearce 430 614 625 666

George St/Harbour (4)

Dell Henrickson SNP 753 20.8%
Michael Hutchison SNP 632 17.4%
Ryan Houghton C 588 16.2%
Sandra Macdonald Lab 545 15.0%
Guy Ingerson Grn 364 10.0%
Mike Scott Lab 292 8.1%
Wendy Stuart SNP 210 5.8%
John Waddell LD 206 5.7%
John Stephen UKIP 32 0.9%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1595 (44.0%; 2 seats); Lab 837 (23.1%; 1 seat); C 588 (16.2%; 1 seat); Grn 364 (10.0%); LD 206 (5.7%); UKIP 32 (0.9%)

Transfers (Quota = 725)
Dell Henrickson 753 725 725 725 725 725 725
Michael Hutchison 632 650 653 676 866 725 725
Ryan Houghton 588 588 601 641 646 649 664
Sandra Macdonald 545 545 549 578 582 596 864
Guy Ingerson 364 365 366 425 440 489 500
Mike Scott 292 292 293 315 316 320
Wendy Stuart 210 215 216 222
John Waddell 206 206 211
John Stephen 32 32

Hazlehead/Queens Cross/Countesswells (4)

Jennifer Stewart LD 1725 23.0%
Martin Greig LD 1592 21.2%
Claire Imrie C 1326 17.7%
Steve Robertson C 1214 16.2%
John Cooke SNP 1210 16.1%
John Mcleod Lab 441 5.9%

Consolidated results:— LD 3317 (44.2%; 2 seats); C 2540 (33.8%; 1 seat); SNP 1210 (16.1%; 1 seat); Lab 441 (5.9%)

Transfers (Quota = 1502)
Jennifer Stewart 1725 1502 1502 1502
Martin Greig 1592 1592 1502 1502
Claire Imrie 1326 1380 1395 1448
Steve Robertson 1214 1251 1273 1345
John Cooke 1210 1239 1251 1371
John Mcleod 441 470 481

Hilton/Woodside/Stockethill (3)

Neil Copland SNP 1148 25.3%
Freddie John C 889 19.6%
Lesley Dunbar Lab 818 18.0%
Lauren Wards SNP 729 16.1%
Lewis Macleod Lab 369 8.1%
Sam Petchey LD 219 4.8%
Peter Kennedy Grn 186 4.1%
David Henderson Ind 179 3.9%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1877 (41.4%; 1 seat); Lab 1187 (26.2%; 1 seat); C 889 (19.6%; 1 seat); LD 219 (4.8%); Grn 186 (4.1%); Ind 179 (3.9%)

Transfers (Quota = 1135)
Neil Copland 1148 1135 1135 1135 1135 1135 1135
Freddie John 889 889 914 933 991 1019 1039
Lesley Dunbar 818 818 843 870 913 1252 1135
Lauren Wards 729 738 761 829 884 906 925
Lewis Macleod 369 369 379 393 445
Sam Petchey 219 219 248 308
Peter Kennedy 186 186 223
David Henderson 179 179

Kincorth/Nigg/Cove (4)

Stephen Flynn SNP 1396 27.0%
Philip Sellar C 1113 21.5%
Alex Nicoll SNP 707 13.7%
Sarah Duncan Lab 590 11.4%
Andy Finlayson Ind 562 10.9%
Lynn Thomson Lab 318 6.1%
Cameron Finnie LD 270 5.2%
Finlay Crossan Ind 220 4.3%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2103 (40.6%; 2 seats); C 1113 (21.5%; 1 seat); Lab 908 (17.5%; 1 seat); Ind 782 (15.1%); LD 270 (5.2%)

Transfers (Quota = 1036)
Stephen Flynn 1396 1036 1036 1036 1036 1036 1036
Philip Sellar 1113 1113 1036 1036 1036 1036 1036
Alex Nicoll 707 1020 1023 1041 1036 1036 1036
Sarah Duncan 590 595 601 615 615 670 960
Andy Finlayson 562 571 585 719 720 812 845
Lynn Thomson 318 322 329 343 344 388
Cameron Finnie 270 273 286 305 305
Finlay Crossan 220 224 232

Kingswells/Sheddocksley/Summerhill (3)

Steve Delaney LD 1825 36.2%
David Cameron SNP 895 17.7%
John Wheeler C 797 15.8%
Barry Mitchell Lab 690 13.7%
Josh Mennie SNP 678 13.4%
Pippa Robertson Grn 90 1.8%
Philip Clarke UKIP 68 1.3%

Consolidated results:— LD 1825 (36.2%; 1 seat); SNP 1573 (31.2%; 1 seat); C 797 (15.8%; 1 seat); Lab 690 (13.7%); Grn 90 (1.8%); UKIP 68 (1.3%)

Transfers (Quota = 1261)
Stage I II IV V VI
Steve Delaney 1825 1261 1261 1261 1261
David Cameron 895 972 997 1666 1261
John Wheeler 797 951 1000 1009 1033
Barry Mitchell 690 767 818 848 952
Josh Mennie 678 722 769
Pippa Robertson 90 149
Philip Clarke 68 77

Lower Deeside (3)

Philip Bell C 2714 39.8%
Marie Boulton Ind 1119 16.4%
Tauqeer Malik Lab 1040 15.3%
Pamela McBain SNP 1028 15.1%
Ken McLeod LD 541 7.9%
Nir Oren Grn 195 2.9%
Kenneth Pratt Ind 143 2.1%
Robbie Bowman Libtn 31 0.5%

Consolidated results:— C 2714 (39.8%; 1 seat); Ind 1262 (18.5%; 1 seat); Lab 1040 (15.3%; 1 seat); SNP 1028 (15.1%); LD 541 (7.9%); Grn 195 (2.9%); Libtn 31 (0.5%)

Transfers (Quota = 1703)
Philip Bell 2714 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703
Marie Boulton 1119 1449 1452 1512 1556 1822
Tauqeer Malik 1040 1155 1165 1211 1241 1447
Pamela McBain 1028 1042 1049 1068 1145 1224
Ken McLeod 541 743 751 770 816
Nir Oren 195 209 213 223
Kenneth Pratt 143 202 205
Robbie Bowman 31 45

Midstocket/Rosemount (3)

Tom Mason C 1318 27.7%
Bill Cormie SNP 1195 25.1%
Jenny Laing Lab 935 19.7%
Derek Davidson SNP 398 8.4%
Dustin Macdonald Ind 311 6.5%
Alex Jarvis Grn 256 5.4%
William Sell LD 245 5.2%
Bill Robb Ind 97 2.0%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1593 (33.5%; 1 seat); C 1318 (27.7%; 1 seat); Lab 935 (19.7%; 1 seat); Ind 408 (8.6%); Grn 256 (5.4%); LD 245 (5.2%)

Transfers (Quota = 1189)
Tom Mason 1318 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189
Bill Cormie 1195 1195 1189 1189 1189 1189
Jenny Laing 935 960 960 971 1040 1154
Derek Davidson 398 399 403 403 491 524
Dustin Macdonald 311 323 323 379 419 492
Alex Jarvis 256 260 260 268
William Sell 245 272 272 292 332
Bill Robb 97 117 117

Northfield/Mastrick North (3)

Jackie Dunbar SNP 1747 39.9%
Gordon Graham Lab 692 15.8%
Frank Gilfeather Lab 629 14.4%
Alan Martin C 376 8.6%
Ciarán McRae SNP 370 8.4%
Jessica Mennie SNP 333 7.6%
Sam Forman LD 154 3.5%
Faith Robertson-Foy Ind 81 1.8%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2450 (55.9%; 2 seats); Lab 1321 (30.1%; 1 seat); C 376 (8.6%); LD 154 (3.5%); Ind 81 (1.8%)

Transfers (Quota = 1096)
Jackie Dunbar 1747 1096 1096 1096 1096 1096
Gordon Graham 692 728 779 885 902 911
Frank Gilfeather 629 655 693 788 798 809
Alan Martin 376 379 430
Ciarán McRae 370 742 764 776 1206 1096
Jessica Mennie 333 486 502 516
Sam Forman 154 169
Faith Robertson-Foy 81 86

Tillydrone/Seaton/Old Aberdeen (3)

Ross Grant Lab 867 27.0%
Alexander McLellan SNP 825 25.6%
Jim Noble SNP 545 16.9%
Emma Farquhar C 342 10.6%
Ramsay Milne Lab 245 7.6%
Alex Arthur Grn 178 5.5%
Jenny Wilson LD 133 4.1%
Stephen Adams UKIP 53 1.6%
Dave Macdonald NF 29 0.9%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1370 (42.6%; 2 seats); Lab 1112 (34.6%; 1 seat); C 342 (10.6%); Grn 178 (5.5%); LD 133 (4.1%); UKIP 53 (1.6%); NF 29 (0.9%)

Transfers (Quota = 805)
Ross Grant 867 805 805 805 805 805 805
Alexander McLellan 825 825 805 805 805 805 805
Jim Noble 545 549 566 582 595 682 774
Emma Farquhar 342 344 344 372 408 432 471
Ramsay Milne 245 288 288 296 326 379
Alex Arthur 178 180 181 188 231
Jenny Wilson 133 134 134 142
Stephen Adams 53 53 54
Dave Macdonald 29 29 29

Torry/Ferryhill (4)

Alan Donnelly C 1337 23.9%
Christian Allard SNP 910 16.3%
Catriona Mackenzie SNP 847 15.1%
Yvonne Allan Lab 843 15.1%
David Fryer Ind 580 10.4%
Piotr Teodorowski Lab 467 8.3%
Gregor McAbery LD 286 5.1%
Renée Slater Grn 269 4.8%
William McIntosh UKIP 49 0.9%
Billy Watson NF 10 0.2%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1757 (31.4%; 2 seats); C 1337 (23.9%; 1 seat); Lab 1310 (23.4%; 1 seat); Ind 580 (10.4%); LD 286 (5.1%); Grn 269 (4.8%); UKIP 49 (0.9%); NF 10 (0.2%)

Transfers (Quota = 1120)
Alan Donnelly 1337 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120
Christian Allard 910 913 920 963 988 1013 1037
Catriona Mackenzie 847 851 854 915 956 1001 1017
Yvonne Allan 843 873 881 908 989 1324 1120
David Fryer 580 616 629 681 754 799 846
Piotr Teodorowski 467 474 476 499 547
Gregor McAbery 286 332 340 377
Renée Slater 269 274 282
William McIntosh 49 65
Billy Watson 10 10

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