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Local Election Results 2007


Whole council up for election.

Other results for Aberdeenshire: 2003 2012 2017 2022
By-elections for Aberdeenshire (may be incomplete): 9th June 2005 (Huntly E.) — 1st May 2008 (Troup) — 23rd April 2009 (Aboyne, Upper Deeside & Donside) — 27th November 2014 (Troup) — 5th November 2015 (Huntly, Strathbogie & Howe of Alford) — 3rd November 2016 (Banff & District; Inverurie & District) — 12th October 2017 (Inverurie & District) — 15th October 2020 (Ellon & District) — 17th June 2021 (East Garioch) — 19th August 2021 (Mid Formartine) — 7th November 2024 (Central Buchan; Fraserburgh & District; Mearns)

Map of the resultsExport spreadsheet

Consolidated results — Aberdeenshire 2007

Party Votes Percent Seats
Scottish National Party 32792 34.2% 22
Liberal Democrat 24503 25.5% 24
Conservative 19946 20.8% 14
Independent 12218 12.7% 8
Labour 5189 5.4% 0
Green Party 1097 1.1% 0
Solidarity 112 0.1% 0
British National Party 87 0.1% 0

Aboyne, Upper Deeside and Donside (3)

Marcus Humphrey C 1444 29.3%
Peter Argyle LD 1286 26.1%
Bruce Luffman C 1009 20.5%
Carol Douglas SNP 991 20.1%
Angus Murdoch Lab 196 4.0%

Consolidated results:— C 2453 (49.8%; 2 seats); LD 1286 (26.1%; 1 seat); SNP 991 (20.1%); Lab 196 (4.0%)

Transfers (Quota = 1232)
Marcus Humphrey 1444 1232 1232 1232
Peter Argyle 1286 1286 1232 1232
Bruce Luffman 1009 1160 1171 1217
Carol Douglas 991 1008 1021 1077
Angus Murdoch 196 201 212

Banchory and Mid Deeside (3)

Jill Webster C 1570 35.6%
Linda Clark SNP 1068 24.2%
Karen Clark LD 795 18.0%
Jean Henretty LD 676 15.3%
Andy Brown Lab 300 6.8%

Consolidated results:— C 1570 (35.6%; 1 seat); LD 1471 (33.4%; 1 seat); SNP 1068 (24.2%; 1 seat); Lab 300 (6.8%)

Transfers (Quota = 1103)
Jill Webster 1570 1103 1103 1103
Linda Clark 1068 1139 1103 1103
Karen Clark 795 876 885 1028
Jean Henretty 676 789 798 857
Andy Brown 300 326 330

Banff and District (3)

Ian Gray SNP 1088 24.0%
Jack Mair LD 694 15.3%
John Cox Ind 691 15.2%
Neil Chalmers C 616 13.6%
Kathryn Parr SNP 500 11.0%
Sandy Buchan Ind 383 8.4%
Jonny Barton Grn 298 6.6%
John Calder Ind 172 3.8%
Ian Page Ind 94 2.1%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1588 (35.0%; 1 seat); Ind 1340 (29.5%; 1 seat); LD 694 (15.3%; 1 seat); C 616 (13.6%); Grn 298 (6.6%)

Transfers (Quota = 1135)
Ian Gray 1088 1092 1103 1142 1135 1135 1135
Jack Mair 694 704 713 773 773 847 915
John Cox 691 707 742 791 791 925 1054
Neil Chalmers 616 626 640 666 666 741 791
Kathryn Parr 500 509 525 554 558 608
Sandy Buchan 383 398 438 475 475
Jonny Barton 298 301 319
John Calder 172 180
Ian Page 94

Central Buchan (4)

Sandy Stronach SNP 1096 20.2%
Norman Smith Ind 1054 19.4%
Peter Chapman C 933 17.2%
Albert Howie Ind 790 14.6%
Norma Thomson SNP 718 13.2%
Carol Donald Lab 318 5.9%
Jim Conn Ind 265 4.9%
Betty May LD 253 4.7%

Consolidated results:— Ind 2109 (38.9%; 2 seats); SNP 1814 (33.4%; 1 seat); C 933 (17.2%; 1 seat); Lab 318 (5.9%); LD 253 (4.7%)

Transfers (Quota = 1086)
Sandy Stronach 1096 1086 1086 1086 1086 1086
Norman Smith 1054 1054 1080 1142 1086 1086
Peter Chapman 933 933 974 1022 1031 1086
Albert Howie 790 790 822 911 932 1016
Norma Thomson 718 725 770 803 812 869
Carol Donald 318 318 363 378 380
Jim Conn 265 265 290
Betty May 253 253

East Garioch (3)

Fergie Hood SNP 1420 31.9%
Martin Ford LD 1054 23.7%
Nan Cullinane LD 968 21.8%
Gordon Naismith C 687 15.5%
Sheila Henderson Lab 317 7.1%

Consolidated results:— LD 2022 (45.5%; 2 seats); SNP 1420 (31.9%; 1 seat); C 687 (15.5%); Lab 317 (7.1%)

Transfers (Quota = 1112)
Fergie Hood 1420 1112 1112 1112
Martin Ford 1054 1118 1112 1112
Nan Cullinane 968 1025 1029 1205
Gordon Naismith 687 725 726 769
Sheila Henderson 317 345 345

Ellon and District (4)

Rob Merson SNP 2458 40.5%
Isobel Davidson LD 1407 23.2%
Gillian Owen C 872 14.4%
Debra Storr LD 524 8.6%
Ann Thorpe Lab 456 7.5%
Diane Ripley Ind 352 5.8%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2458 (40.5%; 1 seat); LD 1931 (31.8%; 2 seats); C 872 (14.4%; 1 seat); Lab 456 (7.5%); Ind 352 (5.8%)

Transfers (Quota = 1214)
Rob Merson 2458 1214 1214 1214
Isobel Davidson 1407 1407 1214 1214
Gillian Owen 872 1033 1053 1196
Debra Storr 524 777 898 1049
Ann Thorpe 456 586 598 648
Diane Ripley 352 541 555

Fraserburgh and District (4)

Brian Topping SNP 1487 27.1%
Ian Tait SNP 1131 20.6%
Michael Watt Ind 831 15.1%
Andy Ritchie SNP 795 14.5%
Dennis Duthie Ind 509 9.3%
Bob Sim C 466 8.5%
Dominique-Paul Lonchay LD 164 3.0%
James Milne Ind 109 2.0%

Consolidated results:— SNP 3413 (62.1%; 3 seats); Ind 1449 (26.4%; 1 seat); C 466 (8.5%); LD 164 (3.0%)

Transfers (Quota = 1099)
Brian Topping 1487 1099 1099 1099 1099 1099
Ian Tait 1131 1131 1099 1099 1099 1099
Michael Watt 831 865 868 890 917 1040
Andy Ritchie 795 1022 1037 1046 1060 1089
Dennis Duthie 509 519 522 554 586 727
Bob Sim 466 481 483 490 522
Dominique-Paul Lonchay 164 167 167 170
James Milne 109 115 115

Huntly, Strathbogie and Howe of Alford (4)

Joanna Strathdee SNP 1839 30.7%
Moira Ingleby C 1635 27.3%
Richard Stroud LD 978 16.4%
Alastair Ross LD 812 13.6%
Bryan Begg Lab 375 6.3%
Jake Williams Grn 251 4.2%
David Hutchison Ind 91 1.5%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1839 (30.7%; 1 seat); LD 1790 (29.9%; 2 seats); C 1635 (27.3%; 1 seat); Lab 375 (6.3%); Grn 251 (4.2%); Ind 91 (1.5%)

Transfers (Quota = 1197)
Joanna Strathdee 1839 1197 1197 1197
Moira Ingleby 1635 1635 1197 1197
Richard Stroud 978 1077 1145 1170
Alastair Ross 812 906 979 1012
Bryan Begg 375 424 444 456
Jake Williams 251 340 375 421
David Hutchison 91 134 176

Inverurie and District (4)

Bryan Stuart SNP 1515 29.4%
Mike Raeburn LD 1316 25.6%
Martin Kitts-Hayes LD 865 16.8%
Richard Cowling C 762 14.8%
Ellis Thorpe Lab 567 11.0%
John Sangster Ind 123 2.4%

Consolidated results:— LD 2181 (42.4%; 2 seats); SNP 1515 (29.4%; 1 seat); C 762 (14.8%; 1 seat); Lab 567 (11.0%); Ind 123 (2.4%)

Transfers (Quota = 1030)
Bryan Stuart 1515 1030 1030 1030 1030
Mike Raeburn 1316 1316 1030 1030 1030
Martin Kitts-Hayes 865 974 1172 1030 1030
Richard Cowling 762 822 836 864 927
Ellis Thorpe 567 637 659 693 737
John Sangster 123 164 175 192

Mearns (4)

Jean Dick SNP 1262 23.0%
George Carr C 1123 20.5%
Tom Fleming LD 909 16.6%
Bill Howatson LD 759 13.8%
Gill Bayfield Lab 392 7.1%
David Nelson Ind 391 7.1%
Robert Davidson Ind 342 6.2%
Kate Anderson Grn 306 5.6%

Consolidated results:— LD 1668 (30.4%; 2 seats); SNP 1262 (23.0%; 1 seat); C 1123 (20.5%; 1 seat); Ind 733 (13.4%); Lab 392 (7.1%); Grn 306 (5.6%)

Transfers (Quota = 1097)
Jean Dick 1262 1097 1097 1097 1097 1097 1097
George Carr 1123 1123 1097 1097 1097 1097 1097
Tom Fleming 909 939 944 1045 1143 1097 1097
Bill Howatson 759 774 778 814 850 879 1021
Gill Bayfield 392 406 407 441 455 458
David Nelson 391 403 406 431 595 600 658
Robert Davidson 342 354 358 402
Kate Anderson 306 335 337

Mid Formartine (4)

Allan Hendry SNP 2035 33.6%
Paul Johnston LD 1661 27.4%
Jim Gifford C 1034 17.1%
John Loveday LD 677 11.2%
Steve Thomson Lab 469 7.7%
Howard Kershaw Ind 188 3.1%

Consolidated results:— LD 2338 (38.6%; 2 seats); SNP 2035 (33.6%; 1 seat); C 1034 (17.1%; 1 seat); Lab 469 (7.7%); Ind 188 (3.1%)

Transfers (Quota = 1213)
Stage I II III
Allan Hendry 2035 1213 1213
Paul Johnston 1661 1661 1213
Jim Gifford 1034 1140 1182
John Loveday 677 855 1134
Steve Thomson 469 558 586
Howard Kershaw 188 290 305

North Kincardine (4)

Alastair Bews SNP 1426 27.8%
Carl Nelson C 946 18.4%
Paul Melling LD 864 16.8%
Ian Mollison LD 619 12.1%
Henry Irvine-Fortescue Ind 575 11.2%
Jim Milne Lab 540 10.5%
Michelle Reid-Hay Ind 162 3.2%

Consolidated results:— LD 1483 (28.9%; 2 seats); SNP 1426 (27.8%; 1 seat); C 946 (18.4%; 1 seat); Ind 737 (14.4%); Lab 540 (10.5%)

Transfers (Quota = 1027)
Alastair Bews 1426 1027 1027 1027 1027
Carl Nelson 946 972 1007 1065 1065
Paul Melling 864 956 978 1123 1027
Ian Mollison 619 652 688 798 863
Henry Irvine-Fortescue 575 613 658 706 713
Jim Milne 540 585 596
Michelle Reid-Hay 162 193

Peterhead North and Rattray (4)

Anne Allan SNP 1018 22.4%
Alan Buchan Ind 948 20.9%
Fiona McRae SNP 682 15.0%
Robert Thomas C 655 14.4%
Sandy Allan SNP 585 12.9%
Andrew Hassan LD 288 6.3%
Ian Cowie Ind 256 5.6%
Steven Will Sol 112 2.5%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2285 (50.3%; 2 seats); Ind 1204 (26.5%; 1 seat); C 655 (14.4%; 1 seat); LD 288 (6.3%); Sol 112 (2.5%)

Transfers (Quota = 909)
Anne Allan 1018 909 909 909 909 909
Alan Buchan 948 948 909 909 909 909
Fiona McRae 682 695 698 712 735 763
Robert Thomas 655 655 659 667 703 803
Sandy Allan 585 665 671 684 717 752
Andrew Hassan 288 289 291 304 355
Ian Cowie 256 256 264 289
Steven Will 112 112 114

Peterhead South and Cruden (3)

Stephen Smith SNP 1205 29.4%
Stuart Pratt SNP 888 21.6%
Sam Coull LD 861 21.0%
Raymond Matthew Ind 535 13.0%
Steven Owen C 422 10.3%
Veronica Johnston Ind 193 4.7%

Consolidated results:— SNP 2093 (51.0%; 2 seats); LD 861 (21.0%; 1 seat); Ind 728 (17.7%); C 422 (10.3%)

Transfers (Quota = 1027)
Stephen Smith 1205 1027 1027 1027 1027
Stuart Pratt 888 1016 1031 1027 1027
Sam Coull 861 869 893 894 1032
Raymond Matthew 535 542 636 637 766
Steven Owen 422 424 442 442
Veronica Johnston 193 195

Stonehaven and Lower Deeside (4)

Wendy Agnew C 1433 24.9%
Graeme Clark SNP 1086 18.9%
Mike Sullivan LD 636 11.0%
Sandy Wallace C 629 10.9%
Peter Bellarby LD 563 9.8%
Bridget O'Hare Lab 463 8.0%
Bob Michie Ind 282 4.9%
Karen Allan Grn 242 4.2%
George Emslie Ind 160 2.8%
Ken Venters Ind 108 1.9%
Dermot Hearty Ind 85 1.5%
David Wood Ind 73 1.3%

Consolidated results:— C 2062 (35.8%; 1 seat); LD 1199 (20.8%; 2 seats); SNP 1086 (18.9%; 1 seat); Ind 708 (12.3%); Lab 463 (8.0%); Grn 242 (4.2%)

Transfers (Quota = 1153)
Wendy Agnew 1433 1153 1153 1153 1153 1153 1153 1153 1153 1153
Graeme Clark 1086 1107 1112 1117 1126 1154 1153 1153 1153 1153
Mike Sullivan 636 655 656 667 684 700 700 741 796 931
Sandy Wallace 629 730 735 737 751 759 759 778 822 852
Peter Bellarby 563 589 595 605 619 632 632 723 779 879
Bridget O'Hare 463 469 473 479 482 493 493 523 558
Bob Michie 282 298 313 332 365 429 429 469
Karen Allan 242 252 257 263 272 285 285
George Emslie 160 177 181 189 200
Ken Venters 108 115 132 138
Dermot Hearty 85 86 89
David Wood 73 79

Troup (3)

Mitchell Burnett SNP 1798 47.7%
John Duncan C 914 24.3%
Sydney Mair Ind 770 20.4%
Ian Findlay LD 286 7.6%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1798 (47.7%; 1 seat); C 914 (24.3%; 1 seat); Ind 770 (20.4%; 1 seat); LD 286 (7.6%)

Transfers (Quota = 943)
Stage I II
Mitchell Burnett 1798 943
John Duncan 914 1060
Sydney Mair 770 974
Ian Findlay 286 421

Turriff and District (3)

Sandy Duncan SNP 1916 41.9%
Alistair Strachan C 796 17.4%
Anne Robertson LD 790 17.3%
Alisan Norrie Ind 748 16.4%
Ann Sheal Lab 232 5.1%
Gary Raikes BNP 87 1.9%

Consolidated results:— SNP 1916 (41.9%; 1 seat); C 796 (17.4%); LD 790 (17.3%; 1 seat); Ind 748 (16.4%; 1 seat); Lab 232 (5.1%); BNP 87 (1.9%)

Transfers (Quota = 1143)
Stage I II IV
Sandy Duncan 1916 1143 1143
Alistair Strachan 796 881 932
Anne Robertson 790 947 1071
Alisan Norrie 748 900 971
Ann Sheal 232 269
Gary Raikes 87 119

West Garioch (3)

Allison Grant SNP 1555 35.5%
Sheena Lonchay LD 973 22.2%
Hazel Al-Kowarri LD 807 18.4%
David Clucas C 694 15.8%
Ricky Simpson Lab 263 6.0%
Terry Rigby Ind 93 2.1%

Consolidated results:— LD 1780 (40.6%; 2 seats); SNP 1555 (35.5%; 1 seat); C 694 (15.8%); Lab 263 (6.0%); Ind 93 (2.1%)

Transfers (Quota = 1097)
Allison Grant 1555 1097 1097 1097
Sheena Lonchay 973 1062 1085 1169
Hazel Al-Kowarri 807 883 899 981
David Clucas 694 746 774 821
Ricky Simpson 263 292 302
Terry Rigby 93 124

Westhill and District (4)

Gurudeo Singh Saluja LD 1558 27.3%
Ron McKail C 1306 22.9%
Amanda Allan SNP 1230 21.6%
Mark Cullen Ind 845 14.8%
Sheila Thomson LD 460 8.1%
Ona Ramsay Lab 301 5.3%

Consolidated results:— LD 2018 (35.4%; 1 seat); C 1306 (22.9%; 1 seat); SNP 1230 (21.6%; 1 seat); Ind 845 (14.8%; 1 seat); Lab 301 (5.3%)

Transfers (Quota = 1141)
Gurudeo Singh Saluja 1558 1141 1141 1141 1141
Ron McKail 1306 1306 1141 1141 1141
Amanda Allan 1230 1230 1230 1141 1141
Mark Cullen 845 895 944 968 1030
Sheila Thomson 460 735 774 794 934
Ona Ramsay 301 324 333 343

Back to the 2007 list of councils.

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