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Chapter 60  Island Councils

60.1  Eilean Siar

Barra and Vatersay [No. 31]

Donald Manford  SNP  316
Allan Macleod  Ind  181

Barvas and Arnol [No. 3]

Iain Morrison  Ind  266
Roderick Macdonald  Ind  203

Bayhead [No. 15]

Keith Dodson  Ind  220
John Mackillop  Lab  121
Stanley Bennie  Ind  58

Blackwater [No. 9]

Ian Macleod  Ind  Unop.

Braighe [No. 18]

Donald Nicholson  Ind  Unop.

Carloway [No. 5]

Alexander MacDonald  Ind  286
Angus Macleod  Ind  162

Castle [No. 12]

Angus Nicolson  SNP  Unop.

Coll [No. 8]

Calum Graham  Ind  Unop.

Coulregrein [No. 11]

George Lonie  Lab  Unop.

Daliburgh and Eriskay [No. 30]

Angus Macdonald  Ind  168
David Blaney  Ind  163

Dell [No. 2]

John MacKay  Ind  298
Malcolm Macleod  Lab  198

Eochar [No. 28]

Peter Carlin  Ind  Unop.

Goathill [No. 14]

Norman Macdonald  Ind  Unop.

Gress [No. 7]

Angus Graham  Ind  347
John Maciver  Ind  171

Harris East [No. 23]

Donald Macdonald  Ind  Unop.

Harris West [No. 24]

Morag Munro  Ind  465
Alan Ross  Ind  63

Knock and Bayble [No. 19]

Norman Macleod  Ind  Unop.

Laxdale [No. 10]

Neil Campbell  Ind  330
Fiona Cowan  Lab  135

Loch Eynort [No. 29]

Ronald Mackinnon  Lab  184
Gerard Macleod  SNP  153

Lochmaddy [No. 26]

Donald Maclean  Ind  Unop.

Lochs [No. 22]

Annie MacDonald  SNP  230
Roderick Mackenzie  Ind  214

Manor Park [No. 13]

Murdo Macleod  Ind  Unop.

Newton [No. 16]

Angus Campbell  Ind  Unop.

North Benbecula [No. 27]

Martin Taylor  Ind  Unop.

North Lochs [No. 21]

Alexander Mackintosh  Ind  263
Gordon Anderson  SNP  179

Paible [No. 25]

Archibald Campbell  Lab  Unop.

Plasterfield [No. 17]

Angus McCormack  Ind  202
Cameron Macleay  Ind  120
Angus Scott  Ind  106

Port of Ness [No. 1]

Samantha Hawkins  Ind  Unop.

Shawbost [No. 4]

Roderick Morrison  Ind  293
Kenneth Murray  Ind  175

Tiumpan [No. 20]

Donald MacSween  Ind  260
Donald Smith  Lab  158

Uig [No. 6]

Norman Macdonald  Lab  314
Christopher Ryan  SNP  52

Consolidated Results — Eilean Siar

Independents           5,014  71.1%  24 cllrs (12 unopposed)
Labour                 1,110  15.7%   4 cllrs  (2 unopposed)
Scottish National Party  930  13.2%   3 cllrs  (1 unopposed)

60.2  Orkney

All candidates in Orkney were independents.

Berstane and Work [No. 2]

Michael Drever  Unop.

Birsay and Dounby [No. 15]

Arthur Johnson  Unop.

Brandyquoy [No. 5]

Robert Sclater  Unop.

Evie, Rendall, Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre [No. 14]

James Moar  270
John Hinckley  211

Firth and Sunnybrae [No. 12]

Alistair Gordon  249
Eoin Scott  221

Harray and Stenness [No. 13]

John Hamilton  331
Alexandra Shearer  60

Holm and Burray [No. 18]

Andrew Drever  Unop.

Lynnfield [No. 4]

Alexander Taylor  Unop.

Orphir, Walls and Flotta [No. 11]

Kathleen Sutherland  183
Peter Hall  152
James Flett  102
Ian McFedries  50

Papa Westray, Westray and Eday [No. 21]

Thomas Hagan  Unop.

Papdale [No. 6]

Janice Annal  Unop.

Pickaquoy [No. 1]

Allan Leslie  241
James Johnston  102

St Andrew's Deerness and Wideford [No. 17]

James Foubister  310
Keith Foubister  134

Sanday, North Ronaldsay and Stronsay [No. 20]

Sinclair Scott  Unop.

Sandwick and Stromness Landward [No. 16]

Ian Johnstone  226
Frederick Groundwater  190
Mark Jones  62

Scapa and Kirkwall South West [No. 7]

Ian MacDonald  215
Hugh Halcro-Johnston  190

Shapinsay and Kirkwall Harbour [No. 8]

James Sinclair  Unop.

South Ronaldsay [No. 19]

Cyril Annal  209
Ruth Millar  172

Stromness North [No. 9]

James Stockan  327 
John Brown  122

Stromness South, Graemsay and North Hoy [No. 10]

Angus Hutchison  207
John Eccles  149
Terrence Thomson  31

Warrenfield [No. 3]

Roderick McLeod  199
Norma Craigie  160

60.3  Shetland

Breiwick [No. 4]

Cecil Eunson  Ind  368
Margaret Robertson  LD  105

Burra/Trondra [No. 19]

Alistair Inkster  Ind  271
Robert Hunter  Ind  196

Clickimin [No. 2]

William Stove  Ind  175
Michael Peterson  Ind  104

Cunningsburgh and Sandwick [No. 20]

Thomas Stove  Ind  Unop.

Delting East and Lunnasting [No. 13]

Barbara Cheyne  Ind  234
Joan Easten  Ind  90
Thomas Anderson  Ind  84

Delting West [No. 12]

William Ratter  Ind  260
Andrea Manson-Clark  Ind  126

Dunrossness [No. 22]

Gordon Mitchell  LD  Unop.

Harbour and Bressay [No. 6]

Edward Knight  Ind  282
Ronald Gair  LD  134

Nesting, Whiteness, Grisla and Gott [No. 14]

James Irvine  Ind  Unop.

North [No. 7]

Leonard Groat  Ind  168
Robert Anderson  LD  116

North Central [No. 3]

Alexander Cluness  LD  Unop.

Northmavine, Muckle Roe and Busta [No. 11]

William Manson  Ind  270
Brenda Willcock  LD  180

Sandsting, Aithsting and Weisdale [No. 17]

Florence Grains  Ind  Unop.

Sandwick, Levenwick and Bigton [No. 21]

William Tait  Ind  279
Cecil Hughson  LD  158

Scalloway [No. 15]

Iris Hawkins  Ind  303
Ian Scott  Ind  153

Sound [No. 1]

James Henry  Ind  147
Christine Begg  LD  132

South Central [No. 5]

Angus Leslie  LD  240
Gary Robinson  Ind  183

Unst and Island of Fetlar [No. 9]

Brian Gregson  Ind  248
Alastair Inkster  Ind  95
Sandra Gray  LD  20

Upper Sound, Gulberwick and Quarff [No. 8]

Robert Feather  Ind  276
Peter Malcolmson  LD  258

Walls, Sandness and Clousta [No. 18]

Frank Robertson  LD  Unop.

Whalsay/Skerries [No. 16]

Joseph Simpson  Ind  Unop.

Yell [No. 10]

John Nicolson  LD  Unop.

Consolidated Results — Shetland

Independents      4,312  76.3%  17 councillors (4 unopposed)
Liberal Democrat  1,343  23.7%   5 councillors (4 unopposed)

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